
Showing posts from January, 2015

Dads: Which man is right for your daughter?

+ J.M.J.    This video is excellent for those of you who are discerning about what you watch in theatres. May God guide you to the right choice for you and yours!

Life is a Series of Purges

+ J.M.J. I almost don't have to say anything else; the title truly says it all this time. You may think this is a depressing title. I don't think so. Purging is necessary. If you put off purging, you will experience the effects of it, and they are negative. Trust me, from someone who knows. You've probably heard the saying, "Let Go and let God." This basically means to let go of your own idea of how things are supposed to be going and to instead let God handle things. This doesn't mean giving up and being inactive about your situation, but I digress. Going back to the saying to let go and let God handle things...well, let's just say I'm terrible at that. I'm going to focus on the first part of the saying. So you don't have to go back a whole two sentences to check, it's "let go."  Let go? Why would I want to let go? I like my life the way it is! I don't like change! Hold on a second. Is that why you're so sa

Homemade Nachos the Unconventional Way

+ J.M.J. I love nachos. I have fond memories of growing up and having nachos on a Saturday afternoon fresh off the cookie sheet. I wanted to make them myself today, but I didn't want to mess with a whole cookie sheet, and I wasn't even sure I had one to use. So my wheels started turning. I had a cast iron skillet. It looks a lot like this: I figured, hey, it's oven safe, I'll try it! Of course, I am cautious, so I looked it up online first. Turns out I'm not so original as I thought. There are tons of recipes (yes, probably 2000 pounds worth) out there for "skillet nachos." Who knew? I simply placed some chips into the pan, sliced some organic cheese on top, placed the whole thing in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about five minutes, and voila! I had nachos! I added Daisy sour cream and organic Muir Glen salsa to top it off. Looks good enough to eat, eh? Try this sometime if you're a fan of nachos like I am. How do y