
Showing posts from February, 2014

Sigmund Freud: Applications Outside of Psychology Class

"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."  - Sigmund Freud I found this quote by Freud and I wanted to elaborate on it a bit. Yes, he was a very controversial psychologist and I certainly don't agree with all of his theories, but sometimes there is a very valuable kernel of truth in what he has to say. As a melancholic, I am rather an expert on not expressing my emotions. Or at least, I think I'm an expert. I think that I can hide what I'm feeling like a professional actress. That works great until it doesn't work. Because it doesn't really work at all. You see, we all experience emotions. You can try to bury them, hide them, and repress them. If you are feeling sad, you can put on a happy face. If you are angry, you can still be friendly to someone. Notice what Freud says, though: "They are buried alive..." Yes, buried ALIVE. Buried alive! Meaning, they aren't actually DEAD