What My 30th Year of Life Has Been Like


I'm turning 31 tomorrow. What has my 30th year of life been like? I'll tell you.

  1. I spent months in bed. I had pushed myself so hard for so long that this was all I could do.
  2. I received many treatments from multiple mental health professionals that were ineffective and damaging.
  3. Friends reached out to me and helped out during my darkest times.
  4. I advocated for myself and obtained an ADHD diagnosis.
  5. After receiving proper treatment for my ADHD, my depression, which I have recurrently experienced severely since at least the age of 12, went away.
  6. I met a group of women who also care deeply about social justice issues.
  7. I had a sleep study done, and while I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea that existed only while sleeping on my back, I was given no other reason why I wasn't sleeping well.
  8. I went to an ENT specialist and he found that I had a very severely deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. With surgery, this was corrected and I can now breathe through my nose. 
  9. While recovering from my nasal surgery in bed, I reignited my business I had started in 2019.
  10. Using social media, I found a networking group that I visited.
  11. I applied to and was accepted into BNI, Business Network International. I have been heavily involved with this network and put work into it multiple times every single week.
  12. I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy that was caught early enough that it is completely reversible.
  13. I have started treatment for my peripheral neuropathy.
  14. I made the decision to stop trying to change people's minds on things. 
  15. I traveled to Florida for a work conference.
  16. I have been learning that in business, relationships and rapport come before sales.
  17. I have started getting my hair dyed the colors that I want.
  18. I continue to learn that life is not black and white, and situations are way more gray and nuanced than they appear on the surface.
  19. I have learned that going out of my way to do things with people that couldn't care less about my company hurts me.
  20. I have learned that making myself uncomfortable so that those around me can be comfortable is not a way I will be living my life moving forward.
  21. I learned that for me, self-care is not optional.
  22. I learned that looking unsafe people in the eye is a disarming move.
  23. I learned to trust my initial instincts about people before I have enough "evidence". 
  24. I started a new podcast this year, and it has twelve episodes.
  25. I have been learning that if I'm not good at something, referring to someone else only benefits myself and my client.
  26. I have been practicing better listening skills.
  27. My husband has been so supportive in every way.
  28. I have learned that my past experiences are explanations, not excuses.
  29. I have continued to learn that rudeness doesn't require a response from me.
  30. I have been practicing thinking positive thoughts, and it has been making a difference in my life.


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