It's Not Political to Stay Home

I think it's pretty crazy that the subject of staying home during a worldwide pandemic has become political. Being from Washington State, I certainly am used to a lot of regulations. Some are a bit much, while some are quite helpful. Now living in Alabama, I am seeing the other side of the political spectrum. People are protesting being told what to do, in the name of their "freedoms." I find this rather absurd. If you aren't smart enough to stay home to protect yourself and others from a potentially life-threatening illness, then maybe you need someone to make you stay home.

Another narrow-minded thought I've come across is that being pro-life applies only to unborn babies. I take a more broad-minded approach to the concept; I believe that all life is precious, from the unborn to the elderly. When I watch as the governor of Alabama takes a stand prioritizing economy over the lives of countless people, it makes me shake my head. She wants to ban abortion, and yet she is ignoring the precious lives of others who are outside the womb. I understand that the decisions that she makes are difficult ones. I understand that the economy is important. However, if we are sick or dead, the economy will make no difference to us.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.


  1. I agree. Stay at home orders are about the common good. Unfortunately, some people only think about their individual rights without considering that rights come with responsibilities. None of us exist in a vacuum, and in the age of COVID-19, every decision and action has a social significance. In that respect, perhaps it is also political.
    Wiser people than I have written written at length about a consistent ethic of life. I think that some civic leaders confuse ends and means when when it comes to human life. In a consistent ethic of life, human life is an end and our economy is a means. There is enough wealth in this country for everyone to survive, but it may mean that from those that have benefitted most, more will be required.


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