My Limitations



    I have limitations. I fully admit that. Although, it is hard to admit to myself sometimes that I have them. As a recovering perfectionist, I try too hard to do too much on a constant basis. Our United States culture praises this kind of toxic "need to do all things all the time" mindset. 
    I am just now feeling better because of a new medication I'm taking for my seasonal depression. Before that, I was severely depressed every fall and winter since the age of 12. I have beat myself up mentally over and over because of things I felt like I should have or could have done better. One example? Wedding thank you notes. I am starting to forgive myself now, but it was made difficult because there were people who made me feel guilty for not writing the thank you notes sooner than I did. I do not appreciate this. They did not know why I did not write thank you notes in a timely manner, and it is not for them to judge my motive for taking so long to write them. I did eventually complete all of the thank you notes, and Rex helped with some of them. Thank you to the people who were kind to me and patient while I went through a dark time.


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