

I have relocated, and as such I don't have the job I used to. I have been struggling mightily with the concept that my worth is based in my productivity.

Recently, I realized that this very lie is what promulgates great evils present today. Babies aren't productive; indeed, they are viewed as stifling interference in a woman's productivity. Their solution? Abortion. The elderly are undervalued and aren't able to work anymore, so they are looked on as valueless. The result? Assisted suicide. Now, these evils sometimes have other causes than the ones I just stated.

I fell prey to this lie. It crept in without me even realizing that something was wrong with this thought. I just knew that it made me feel miserable about my self-worth. 

You are loved by God for who you are, not for what you accomplish. Certainly, you must do His will, but if He is not currently calling you to a lot of busyness, thank Him for this season. You must need it.


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