It is Time to Respect Yourself!

To my sisters in Christ:

It is time to respect yourself. Do you know who you are? You are a beloved daughter of the most high God. You are worthy. Do you believe that?

  • Do you respect yourself enough to not be dating someone just for the sake of having a boyfriend?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to not wear skin-tight clothing for attention?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to not tolerate abuse, be it sexual, emotional, verbal, mental, or physical?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to take care of yourself spiritually?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to be mindful of the content that you expose yourself to every day, through media of all kinds?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to take care of yourself?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to distance yourself from people who are ruining your relationship with Christ?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to surrender all your worries to Jesus?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to listen to the opinions of others, but ultimately decide with God what you should do?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to not go with the flow just because "everyone else is doing it"?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to laugh freely without worrying about making a scene?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to stop beating yourself up for things that truly are not your fault?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to have your own sense of individual tasteful fashion?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to take your own path in life because you know it is right for you?
Do you respect yourself? It is time.

Your sister in Christ,


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