26 Things I Learned about Being 26

Just because someone says they want to marry you does not mean that they are capable of a lifelong commitment. Love isn't supposed to feel like an additional full-time job. Actions speak louder than words. Every. Time. Getting angry with God led me to healing. Life is hard. Trust is everything. If you can't trust someone, it's really hard to love them unconditionally. Cowardice is a despicable trait. Uber is safe. I wish they didn't have my phone number though. Trusting God is everything. Mother Mary WILL take care of you. This world is not overpopulated. Taking care of yourself is imperative. As in, you do not have a choice. Sooner or later, your non-stop go mode will stop you in your tracks. Spiritual direction is not the same thing as talking to a professional mental health professional. Take care of yourself spiritually AND mentally! Carmelite spirituality is unique and beautiful. I still enjoy building Legos, coloring, and making sticker colla...