The Holy Spirit


I'm finally getting to this topic, but I honestly have no idea where to begin. For most of my life, the Holy Spirit, for me, was an abstract Being Whom I had almost no personal relationship with. I knew that He was the third Person of the Blessed Trinity and came down upon me during the Sacrament of Confirmation, but I didn't pray to Him almost ever. 

I mean, in pictures, He looked like a Dove. A Bird of some kind. How was I supposed to pray to a Winged Creature without feeling foolish? That was my logic, I guess, as subconscious as it was. 

I didn't really grow up with the charismatic movement. So when I went to a Holy Spirit healing retreat a couple of months ago, I was not prepared at all for what was to come. I won't share a lot about that retreat on this blog. If you want to know, you can ask me personally. Suffice it to say that I got to know that the Holy Spirit was definitely very real. I believed in Him before the retreat, but I was blessed with the gift of proof that He was alive and very interested in me.

Before this retreat, I had experienced the power of the Holy Spirit through prayers. The rest of my encounters were personal, which you can find out about if you want to ask me in person. :)

The Holy Spirit loves you, but He won't force Himself upon you. If you invite Him into your life, you will never be the same. Evil is real, but so is Goodness. The Holy Spirit is tender and a prime Helper for your personal healing, no matter what the wounds are. 

Holy Spirit, come. Holy Spirit, come more. Holy Spirit, infill us with all of your fruits and gifts!


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