Body Confidence


Good morning! How are you feeling this morning? Are you feeling beautiful? 

Feelings aside, are you beautiful?

Can you say "I am beautiful"?

I couldn't even bring myself to say that out loud for a very long time. I watched the video above, and I thought to myself, this woman is crazy. She wants me to say that I am beautiful. That's a lie, because I'm ugly. Do you know what the real lie was? The real lie was that I was ugly. I'm not ugly. I'm beautiful! Saying that I'm ugly is disrespecting the art that God created.

Let's go further. How much worth do you think you have? Do you think that you have purpose on this earth? Do you feel worthy of being loved for who you are and who God created you to be? Do you feel worthless? 

How strong are you? Do you feel weak? When you feel weak, do you try to hide it by accomplishing all kinds of things? (Guilty as charged). 

Do you feel like you are a burden to other people?

I want to bust some lies. Right now.

Lie #1: I'm ugly.
You are beautiful. You always have been, and you always will be. You have a beautiful soul, mind, and body. God created you the way that you are for mysterious reasons. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, as Scripture says. You are beautiful!

Lie #2: I'm worthless.
Oh really? What would this world be like without you? Think about it really hard if you have to. What would your family be like without you in it? What would your workplace be like without you? What would your church be like without you? Are you getting the picture? You are a big deal and you have so much worth, given to you by God, your loving Father! (If you struggle with seeing God as a loving Father, you're not alone. More on that in a future post).

Lie #3: I'm weak.
Sure, we all have human limitations. I'm not necessarily talking about physical strength here. Satan wants to make you feel like you don't have enough strength to fight temptation. He wants to make you feel like you can't do it. Like no matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to make a difference. Satan wants to make you feel like your weak points will break you. Guess what? God is so much bigger than Satan! You are strong in the Lord! You can do it for His kingdom, which has NO END!

Lie #4: I am a burden.
Why do you think that you are a burden? Were you a burden to your parents? Maybe. Were you made to feel like you were just a problem? Maybe. I'm so sorry that you were treated that way. God doesn't think that you are a burden. He created you, so He thought that you were needed in this world. Don't forget that God wants you. He loves you. He created you not to be a burden, but to help others. You have a mission that no one else can do. If you are striving to accomplish that mission with all of your heart, soul, mind, and body, then you are not a burden. You are helping God's creatures to reach their full potential. In the process, you will reach your full potential in Christ, and nothing will be able to shake that off. 

To Jesus through Mary,
Stephanie Schell


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