Movie Review: La La Land


Photo from IMDb

A week ago, I saw a movie that actually surprised me a lot. Usually when I go to the theatre, I expect to be entertained but not necessarily in the way that I would like. This time was different.

I am unusual in my age group for the fact that I enjoy "old" things, also known as classics. I love swing dancing. Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart are familiar names to me and beloved ones too. These elements showed up in this movie, and I suspect that an older audience was targeted as well as a younger one. Nostalgia was a big seller here.

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone painted a delightful picture with their initial sarcastic banter that turned into something more. This movie is an illustration of the fact that your original dreams don't always materialize. 

This is a chick flick, as it were, but don't expect the usual outcome. The ending makes the whole thing more real but not as satisfying. We have come to expect perfection and idealistic endings from movies, and therefore, life.  Yes, movies do influence our expectations from life. There is a distinct separation but know that your mind is filled with what you watch and it will carry over into your thoughts. 

I highly recommend this film. There are a couple of crude moments with language and such, but nothing inappropriate besides that. 

May God bless your day!


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