

For what felt like years, I had been praying to God, begging Him for the peace that surpasses all understanding. What I expected in return was the feeling of peace. I thought that I was peaceful. I experienced times of brief respite from the stresses of life, usually when I was completely alone. 

This year, I met Matt, my boyfriend. As we began to spend more and more time with each other, I began experiencing an overwhelming sense of peace. One evening, as we sat together in the park, just enjoying the scenery and talking quietly, something popped in my mind and I spoke it aloud: "I feel like you're an answer to prayer." I told him that I had praying for years for the peace that surpasses all understanding, but I had no idea that God would send a person in whose presence I could grow closer to God and feel completely at peace. 

My peace does not come from my boyfriend. God supplies the peace, but allows Matt to be the instrument which I experience that peace flowing from. Sometimes, before this complete feeling of calm can be enjoyed, I have to talk about things that are bothering me. I am the worst at this, but Matt has the most gentle way of drawing it out of me that I can't help but fully disclose what's bothering me. Then he can offer a godly perspective of how to deal with it, comfort me, pray with me, and ultimately we grow closer to God through all of this. That is the ultimate goal.

So there is my story of peace. In other news, today is the feast day of St. Nicholas. Not a lot is known about him for sure, but it is sure that the spirit of generosity was abundant in him. The tradition of gift-giving on his feast day came about because he once threw bags of gold through the window of a poor family. It is him that we have to thank for the legend that is Santa Clause. 

May you experience the peace that surpasses all understanding! God be with you.



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