Dear 2016


(I did this last year too.)

Dear 2016,

Whew! What a whirlwind it has been! I'm not quite sure how 12 months passed by already. This realization saddens me. How precious life is. It is so fleeting. We must appreciate each present moment, for it is a gift.

January I started dating someone. I also walked through the Holy Doors at St. Paul's Cathedral, welcoming the Year of Mercy. 

February Yes, I had another romantic Valentine's Day. I sang with my boyfriend at the time at a senior home. I spent part of the day with my family also.

March I was so happy that I gave up a lot of things for Lent. On Palm Sunday, my relationship was ended. Holy Week was my own personal way of the cross.

April I turned 25. I had always wanted to get married at 24, but I reconciled myself to the fact that it was just a number in my head and it will happen if and when it is supposed to, according to God's plan.

May I went to Seattle with one of my best friends to celebrate my birthday. We stayed at my cousin and her family's house and had a great day shopping and visiting the Space Needle!

June My sister and I hiked to prepare for our trip to World Youth Day. I went to a production of Peter Pan with my sisters also.

July Went to World Youth Day, traveling to Rome and Assisi first and then to Krakow, Poland! This trip changed my perspective on life forever. I started dating my current boyfriend.

August Spent time with my dad's side of the family for a mini family reunion. Went on lots of walks with Matt, my boyfriend.

September Went to the Renaissance Faire with Matt and was "guillotined." This month, he gave me a gorgeous custom bouquet of pink flowers.

October Visited my grandparents. This was my last time seeing my grandmother, who passed away this month. I miss her so much.

November My boyfriend spent Thanksgiving with my family and I. I had never brought a boyfriend to a major holiday before. I think it went pretty well, though I'm a really poor sport when it comes to losing games. ;)

December My last living grandmother passed away. Her funeral came and went. I felt so blessed to be able to go and be a part of it. Christmas was a time of blessings, though I missed my boyfriend terribly as he was far away with his family.

2016, it has been quite a ride. 2017, don't disappoint me. I won't disappoint you either.

Your friend,


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