Hope. For Real.


The word and concept of "hope" has been a major theme of my life this year. I started volunteering at a place called Hope Medical which offers assistance to pregnant women. I wear a ring sometimes on my finger that says "hope." And I've been wrestling with the concept all year. 

People like to talk a lot about hope. It's one of those words that looks nice on sympathy cards and inspiration posters. The word just sounds good. 

The reality is that hope is an action word. It's actually believing that something good is going to happen to you, that your situation is going to improve. 

But what happens when days, weeks, and months go by, and you're still searching for something better? That's when hope starts to fade. You don't even remember what the word really means. It's like something torn and forgotten sitting in a dark dusty corner. 

This year, I've had a lot of ups and downs, just like the rest of humanity. I will share with you where my hope comes from.

My year started out with a lot of promise. I was in a new relationship and everything was exciting. That ended a few months later. I was left wondering why in the world am I "alone" again? (I knew why the relationship had ended, but I was feeling sad.) You could say that my hope for the future was hidden. I was sick of dating, and had been for awhile. If everything ends this way, why bother?

I spent a few months trying to figure out who I was as a single person. Searching for my identity, who I really was. I fell more and more in love with Jesus as my prayer life strengthened. He and I grew close as I told Him everything. My hope was still weak, but even then He whispered, "Wait." I sighed a little and did as He said.

About a month before I went to World Youth Day this summer, I started dating a guy I had met at Bible Study, and whom I had known for about half a year. Things were looking up.

After getting back from World Youth Day, a life-changing experience, I realized that I had changed, but that everything at home was exactly the same. I was feeling dissatisfied. My hope started to wane once again.

I'm still dating my wonderful boyfriend of three and a half months, and he's helping me see the light that is in this world. That things still have a lot of potential. I'm very thankful for him and thank God for the great blessing that he is.

Just because you don't feel hopeful doesn't mean you should forget about believing that things will get better. There is a good future for you, and it starts now. Start praying that you can see the rays of joy in your life. Somehow, someday, your prayers will be answered.

God bless you!


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