St. Clare of Assisi: Her Deep Spirituality


This is another post about my pilgrimage to Europe. We went to Assisi, and there we visited the basilicas of St. Francis and St. Clare. I am always inspired by lives of holiness. It was amazing to be able to see the cell in which St. Francis was locked up, and the place where he might have been born. Assisi itself was gorgeous. 

It did rain for awhile, but the sun came out later.

Cell of St. Francis (where he was locked away)

As I walked into the basilica of St. Clare, I was struck how deep her spirituality was. Her holiness lived on in that place where her relics were kept. The world may look at a consecrated religious like St. Clare and think, "what a waste of a life." On the contrary, though, I can vouch for the deep connection I felt with her while I was in that place. She was a woman of God in deep communion with Christ and all His Church. Religious life is a wonderful vocation that some are called to and it is full of joy.

Until next time,


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