It's Not Political to Stay Home
I think it's pretty crazy that the subject of staying home during a worldwide pandemic has become political. Being from Washington State, I certainly am used to a lot of regulations. Some are a bit much, while some are quite helpful. Now living in Alabama, I am seeing the other side of the political spectrum. People are protesting being told what to do, in the name of their "freedoms." I find this rather absurd. If you aren't smart enough to stay home to protect yourself and others from a potentially life-threatening illness, then maybe you need someone to make you stay home. Another narrow-minded thought I've come across is that being pro-life applies only to unborn babies. I take a more broad-minded approach to the concept; I believe that all life is precious, from the unborn to the elderly. When I watch as the governor of Alabama takes a stand prioritizing economy over the lives of countless people, it makes me shake my head. She wants to ban abortion, and ye...
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