Hope is Here


Yikes. It has been over a month since I wrote anything here. I'm really sorry about that! Life has been incredible lately. 

Life the last few months has been rough. I was getting over a breakup which wasn't easy to do, since we were quite serious. I felt depressed, discouraged, hopeless, and downright sad. In this dark time, I turned to Christ. 

He comforted me like no earthly man ever could. Jesus is fully human, yes, but He is also fully divine. It was this quality that I thirsted for, and He satisfied me completely. Jesus and I grew very close.

Now, I look to the future with hope and inspiration, thanks to what He has blessed me with. Lately, I have been smiling a lot, laughing frequently, spending lots of time in nature, and placing my trust in God and surrendering totally to His will. This is my new way of living my life. God is good, all the time. Even in the darkness, His light shines through!

God bless you!


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