

Happy Friday friends! (Or enemies, who knows, I guess I have a few) ;)

It has been an interesting week! Life has been moving by kind of slowly of late and I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my time. I should be more appreciative of time passing slowly--this is what I longed for, right? I just didn't know it would feel like this.

I heard a great talk by Paul Kim last night, and he said something that made me think. He said that we get so caught up in looking forward to the next great thing that we don't appreciate the present, which is what actually matters.

For me, I keep looking forward to getting married. I keep thinking, "I can't wait until I get married!"

But the thing is, I can wait. And I need to wait. Besides the fact that I don't have a choice about waiting (I still have to find a guy/he has to find me), now is a time of healing and discerning. It is a beautiful time of clarity and beauty. Thank you God.

I've really felt called lately to pray more to the Holy Spirit. I think He wants to infuse something divinely amazing into my life. I don't know what it is but I hope I'm ready when it comes.

God bless you!


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