The Lies of Cosmopolitan


May I just say, this is not a pleasant post for me to write. Sometimes I am inspired to write something in reaction to an article. This time, I'm motivated by anger.

I was in the library recently and spotted the April 2016 issue of Cosmopolitan. Now, sometimes I'll check these out if the cover is decent. There were lots of hair tips promised on the cover of this one, and my hair is very long and thick, so I decided to check it out.

There may be hair tips in here, but as I flipped through it last night, my eye settled on an article that made my skin crawl. Featured on page 206 is a piece titled "How to Have a Safe Abortion." 

On the photo spread before the article, these words open: "It's not that legal abortion isn't safe. It's really safe." 

Excuse me, but I heard Abby Johnson, someone who used to work at an abortion clinic, pronounce that abortions are anything but safe! This was a previous insider saying this! 

Also, why does there have to be an article about how to have a safe abortion at all? If it's really that safe, why do we need an entire feature on how not to die whilst having one? I "wonder"...

And now here is the part where I got really upset. It says, "Resist the urge to search abortion or pregnancy options--you risk getting a link for an anti-abortion pregnancy center." (Um, biased much??) The article goes on, "There are three of these for every actual abortion clinic in the U.S." (Praise God!) Then they say: "A sign it's not legit: They won't talk about pricing on the phone." (Um, that's because it's FREE! And we will talk about it on the phone if you ask! The women who wrote this article, Amanda Robb and Caitlin Moscatello, spread some very nasty lies.) 

They're not done. "contact Planned Parenthood" Oh gosh, I wonder who paid the magazine big bucks for this one?

I'll just give you one more tidbit, because I think that anything more would be pure punishment for you, the reader, to endure. Especially if your names are Robb and Moscatello. Just kidding...sort of? Not really.

They point out that the following is misinformation: "Eight weeks after fertilization, except for the small size, the developing human's overall appearance and many internal structures closely resemble the newborn."

Even if the appearance doesn't resemble a newborn, logic tells any thinking individual that those structures will eventually develop into a newborn, if allowed. Is this supposed to make women feel okay about eliminating their fetuses? Like, oh! My fetus doesn't look like a newborn right now. So it must be okay to get rid of it! (Such lies that will eventually lead to later trauma after the woman realizes her great loss.)

Thanks Cosmopolitan, for lying to us women. I knew I could count on you for hair tips, and I guess I can also count on you for blatant lies and incredibly biased content.

God bless you!


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