Happy Sunday!


Good morning, dear readers, and happy Sunday to you! How are you doing? How are you feeling? What's been going on in your life lately?

For me, I'm just trying to find some joy in my life again. As some of you know, I've been going through a rough patch. This last month has been awful for me. I try not to complain too much, but I'm just being real with you here. 

I just went through a lot of really big changes. My work switched locations. I broke up with my boyfriend whom I was fairly serious with. Things that I thought would happen aren't going to work out, at least not how I envisioned them. What's new? Yeah, I guess you could say I'm becoming a little bitter. 

I really don't want to be this way. Dear Jesus, please pull me out of my self-pity. My doubts. My fears. My uncertainties. Amen.

I said I was being real with you. So in following that trend, I will share with you that this past month has truly been my vale of tears. As it says in the Hail Holy Queen prayer, this life is honestly a valley of tears. It's true. Yes, there are times of joy and happiness. There are also times of complete sadness and feelings of despair.

Yes, I have been feeling a bit depressed. Jesus, please pull me out of this hole I'm in.

I turn 25 in a little less than two weeks. I get to be 24 for thirteen more days. My mom was married by the time she was 24. Many of my friends are married or in serious relationships. I truly thought that by this age, I too would be in the same boat. I could have been, but I felt called to let something go that wasn't God's will for my life.

I don't always understand why I'm called to give up a relationship. Sometimes I can only see a little piece of why at the time, and then in the days, weeks, months, and years that follow, more insights are made clear as to why it wouldn't have been healthy for me long-term, meaning marriage.

So, I sigh, try not to be bogged down in sadness, and I pick up my feet again. Tonight, I am going swing dancing again for the first time in probably over six months. It has been too long. I don't go dancing to find a guy. That did happen once, in the sense that I met one of my boyfriends, one I dated for a year. But tonight I'm going dancing to experience again the joy that dancing brings to my heart and my entire self.

God bless you!


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