24 Things I Learned About Being 24


1. Sometimes, people don't want to hear the truth. I said it anyway.
2. True, deep love really is possible.
3. Sometimes, God asks you to let go of something or someone very dear to you, often for reasons that you can't see at the time. I let go of those things/people anyway.
4. I may cry many tears, but it's true that peace comes in the morning.
5. Part of growing up is growing apart, and that's healthy.
6. Making your own decisions is important, just don't do anything stupid.
7. People thought I was still in high school this year and it annoyed me but then I realized that when I'm 40 I'll look like I'm 30, so it's fine.
8. Avoiding an activity that brings me joy for petty reasons is wrong.
9. Friends are invaluable. I'd be in an awful dark place without them.
10. God is number one in my life. I'd always thought that before, and hoped it was true, but I found out this year that it was really true.
11. Scripture is amazing. It gives me strength when I'm weak (which is all the time).
12. Coffee is good, but somehow it tastes better in the company of a good friend.
13. You know that verse in the Bible that says that the measure in which you give will be given back to you? That's true, but it might not happen immediately. That's okay, and is good for your self-growth.
14. Music is good, but not all kinds. If it doesn't uplift you, don't listen to it.
15. Breakups are hard, but staying with a person that isn't right for you is worse.
16. Comfort zones are comfortable, but are okay to expand.
17. Call your mom everyday. She loves you and this will be a way for you to stay close when you don't live in the same house.
18. Retail therapy is real, but so is a small amount of funds.
19. Some people are complainers. Don't let them steal your joy, and it will remain with you.
20. You can't change other people. 
21. Being in shape is priceless. Go join that gym.
22. School is important, but so is living your life.
23. People that only like me when I'm doing things they think I should be doing don't really care about me.
24. I'm really excited to see what 25 brings!

God bless you!


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