Movie Review: Allegiant


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I am not a diehard Divergent fan. I haven't seen the first two films, although I'm going to make a point of doing that now that I've seen Allegiant. Normally it would be very confusing to do what I did: to see the third movie in a series that I didn't know anything about. I was a bit confused at times, but overall, I really liked the storyline and drew a lot of parallels to our world and my own life.

If you are familiar with my movie reviews, you will know that I don't spend a lot of time on the plot and the details therein. For that, you can see the movie yourself. I focus on what I felt during the movie and what stood out for me. I'm not a movie analyst. I'm just a movie critic of my own "brand."

There was a city called Providence that was very beautiful and I liked the name. Divine Providence is something that is ordained by God. The title was fitting.

I identified most with the main character, Tris (Beatrice). Her and I like to stand up for what's right. She's a brave soul. She'll do what she thinks is right even if others are pressuring her to choose differently. So will I.

I thought that Tris' boyfriend, Four, had a lot of similarities to Christ in the way that he suffered. Even in his trials, he worked to save others, especially his mother, Evelyn. When I saw Four bleeding, I thought of Jesus.

I highly recommend this movie. And now, if you would excuse me, I have a lot of catching up to do on this series.

God bless you!


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