How is Your Lent Going?


How is your Lent going so far? Can you believe it's almost over? For me, it has gone by fairly fast, but it has also been a challenge. That's the point. Think about it. Jesus went through so much more. There's no way we could match His perfect sacrifice. The few things I went without pale in comparison to His ultimate sacrifice.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. I think that this particular day hearkens to the fact that humans are so unpredictable and fickle. One day they are praising Jesus, and then less than a week later, condemning the selfsame Man to death. Not just death, but death on a cross. A crucifixion. The most horrible death imaginable. 

Think about it. Can you imagine hanging on a cross? Having nails driven into your hands and feet? Realizing that you're losing so much blood, then passing out from exhaustion? And before that, carrying the very cross that you're going to hang upon? I think about Jesus carrying His cross up the hill to Calvary. He did that for me. For my sins He did this. I imagine Him carrying the cross on His right shoulder. Maybe He switched sometimes, if He had the strength, which He probably didn't. Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry His cross sometimes. 

And why is Good Friday called good? Read this to find out.

Live this Holy Week as holy as you can. We're in this together to share the journey. 

God bless you!


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