What Music I Listen To (and Why)


Music has always been a huge part of my life. That's why I want to share some of my favorite songs with you and why I like them.

  1. The soundtrack from You've Got Mail ~ This is pretty much the cutest movie I've ever seen. I tried online dating once and it obviously didn't result in a marriage, but it's kind of exciting (and yes, sort of dangerous,) because you don't know exactly who's on the other side of the screen!
  2. State of Grace by Taylor Swift ~ Does she know that Catholics call the state of grace the condition of not having serious sin on your soul? 
  3. Casablanca soundtrack ~ this is the greatest movie with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart. Classic doesn't even begin to describe it. It's iconic. 
  4. She's Got a Way by Billy Joel ~ I like this song for personal, wonderful reasons. Ask me about it sometime. ;)
  5. Anything by Josh Groban ~ that man has the voice of an angel. 
  6. My Soul Rejoices by Jackie Francois ~ if you ever want to be inspired, listen to her sing. She is living the joyous Catholic Christian life, and you can truly hear it in her voice.
  7. Frank Sinatra ~ ask me about it sometime. ;) This man sings about love like no other.
  8. Jack Johnson ~ I first heard his songs in the Curious George movie. He has a soothing voice that makes you feel like just chilling.
  9. Norah Jones ~ she fits into the jazz genre. Her range is rather similar to mine so I like singing things by her.
  10. Peaceful Piano playlist on Spotify ~ best playlist to feel relaxed and yet focused and peaceful all at once. I highly recommend this one, as I do all of these songs/artists/albums!
God bless you!


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