This Moment


I don't often write about the mundane details of my life. I think that no one cares. I mean, I don't even care. The truth is, though, that every single small detail of your life matters. It means something. It is propelling you towards your goal. What is your goal? Have you considered what that is? Let's take a look at what I'm doing right now, and where it's directing me (or not directing me):

  • Listening to coffee house music (I'm not at a coffee house, it's a Spotify playlist)
  • Drinking water
  • Wearing my pajamas and robe, unbrushed hair and all
  • Writing this blog post before nine on a Saturday morning
  • Sitting in a slouched position (so bad)
  • I have my space heater on
  • My peach-scented wallflower is plugged in
  • I'm thinking pretty hard about all the things I normally don't pay any attention to
  • I'm starting to feel more awake.
Okay. Looking at all this stuff, it doesn't say much, except, she needs to get a life. (I have one, trust me.) Next step: going deeper.

I wanted something chill to listen to, and any playlist with the word "coffee" in it is as good as listened to. Actually, give me anything with the word "coffee" or the picture of it or the actual real thing and I'm sold. 

Water is the essence of life. I'm trying to be healthier. And it helps that my Drink Your Water app reminds me and I love it at the end of the day to see that my goal has been reached. So now that has become my positive reinforcement. Whatever it takes, right? (Kind of sad that it took an app to make me drink water. Anyway.)

I'm being kind of lazy this morning, I'll admit, but there's nothing wrong with that. I have nothing pressing to do, and no one can see me. Now you just have that mental image. You're welcome.

Hey, at least I'm up! A lot of people are still sleeping (good for them, seriously.) 

Yeah, I should really sit up more. I should also exercise more. And eat healthier. I should, I should, I should...

It's not overly cold outside but the heater takes the chill off.

I like my room to smell nice and this helps with that. 

Weird that I sat using my phone for about forty-five minutes playing games and answering e-mails and it wasn't until I started writing a blog post that I felt like my mind was finally alert. Go figure.

All right, so I really don't see what the purpose of all this I guess I'm supposed to go even deeper!

Okay, so I'm lazy and I like coffee, and writing wakes my brain up. I have to be actually typing though, that tap-tapping on my phone keyboard doesn't cut it apparently. 

Voila, there you go. Hope you weren't bored to death.

May God bless your day abundantly!


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