

Music has always been a huge part of my life. From the time I was three years old, I took piano lessons because my aunt is a piano teacher. I didn't keep up with it consistently at all times, but I spent years of my life until the time I was eighteen practicing, practicing, practicing, practicing...well, you get the idea.

I had some great experiences as a piano player. I played at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Washington twice in three-piano recitals. I took part in a lot of smaller recitals as well. I earned a few trophies along the way. These now collect dust but also remind me of the hard work I spent touching piano keys and pushing pedals with my feet. 

This all required a great deal of discipline. If my mother had not insisted that I keep up with it until I was eighteen, I certainly would have dropped it a lot sooner. As soon as I was allowed, I abandoned piano more or less, only returning to it when I felt the urge. 

Last year, at my last job, I was called upon to play the piano as the entertainment planned for the afternoon didn't show up (I worked at a senior living place). I stepped up to the challenge but was very rusty.

Today, I am still quite rusty (though my boyfriend insists I'm not). I'm getting back into practicing. And now, I'm starting to love it again. I'm sure I'll get tired of it at some point, but now I'm doing it because I want to, not because I'm being made to. That makes all the difference. And honestly, dear readers, I do not resent being made to practice. That ensured that discipline was practiced. That is the point.

What music do you like to listen to? Do you play an instrument? I also sing, and will tell you about that in another post.

God bless you!


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