

Being Catholic, I've always been taught the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the saints, the angels, God...and then there's Jesus.

This Man. This Son of God made Man. Can you believe how incredible He is? Who is Jesus to you? I've been watching the daily videos that Dynamic Catholic has been emailing and these have made me wonder who Jesus is to me, etc. 

The above is a Russian painting. In it, to me, Jesus looks worn and tired, yet determined and persevering. I think that sometimes we see images of Jesus that are beautiful but nonetheless we find them hard to relate to when life gets hard.

We're in Lent, right? How is it going? Jesus wants to help you on your journey, oh so badly. Let Him in a little more. You can pray, fast, and give alms, all without Him. But that is missing the point. 

He did the first Lent for you. Think about the enormity of that. For your sins, Jesus spent forty days in the desert without food or drink. He experienced the betrayal of a very close friend, Judas, at the last meal He spent with his apostles. He sweat blood in the garden of Gethsemane, unaccompanied by said apostles, as they were asleep. Think about if you were in the last night of your life and those closest to you were sleeping. How terrible would you feel? 

Jesus died for you. Walked the way of the cross for you. Resided in a tomb for three days for you, and then arose for you. For you! For me! For all mankind! He is waiting. Will you invite Him into your heart and every part of your life? Do join me in this endeavor.

God bless you!


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