It's All in the Purse


Believe it or not, people actually pay attention to your handbag. I found an article on Stitch Fix as inspiration for knowing what is current.

I'm not a huge fan of the tote. It just looks too big, and like something you're supposed to bring to the beach.

As far as colors go, blue, pink, and turquoise are on trend. I personally think it's classy to mimic nature's colors at this time of year. Think about a vibrant green, a soft pink, and a sky blue.

I don't like the concept of saddlebags. I don't ride a horse. Crossbody is a nice idea, but I never wear my purses like that. I'm not used to it.

I wanted a clutch one year for a ball I was going to. I don't have much of a desire for one anymore. I feel like it would be annoying to hold.

What do I like? 

God bless you!


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