Movie Review: Concussion



I'm just going to start off by saying that this review is coming from someone who doesn't care all that much about football, but is fascinated by the workings of the human brain.

This is sort of a documentary but is written in drama form. I don't really like documentaries as a rule so this was a welcome format for my taste.

I'm not going to give you a breakdown of everything that happened; if you want to know, please go see it yourself. 

Dr. Bennett does autopsies, trying to figure out why people die. He looks at their brain to see if it's healthy or not. He starts to notice a trend with former football players. Their brains are perfectly healthy, and yet they died. He discovers a new disease. Of course, the NFL hates him for it and tries to wipe him out.

A striking comment was made during the film. Someone was talking to Dr. Bennett, telling him why football now hated him. He said that the church used to own Sunday, and now football took over. This is true. Yeah, some people still go, but I think the majority place precedence on sport viewing. You can disagree, but please turn down the volume on your television first.

Concussions are a result of tremendous impact, available aplenty in the sport of football. I'm not saying that no one should play this sport, but I'm not condoning it either. In certain cases, it can tear families apart. These guys were starting to experience their minds going "crazy," which was a result of their concussions. 

This was really, really interesting and if you like either sports or medical knowledge, do go.

God bless you!


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