

Happy New Year to all my readers! Thank you for reading.

I feel more peaceful and joyful at this time than I ever have before. God is so good to me. My life has never been without challenges but I have a feeling that I'd get bored without a challenge. 

My smiles come easily and my laugh flows naturally now. My life was being choked before, and I had to let go of something very dear to me that I thought I needed. It's amazing how liberated you can feel when you simply release something that is making you very unhappy.

I am not in school right now. Perhaps I may go back, and maybe I won't. Some believe that higher education is the only answer to all your problems. For some, that will be the answer to their problems. But not for everyone. 

I have been writing a lot more, working out (I actually toured a gym on Wednesday!), and I actually have time for the things that I love to do and that matter to me. I don't know if this is a break or just a season in my life. It won't last forever but I'm thankful for this time.

January is all about new beginnings. Everyone's talking about new year's resolutions, which is nice, but it also gets old. It's good to strive for things, but consciously think about your goals and don't just throw some vague and largely unrealistic resolutions on your phone calendar. 

This year, try
  • listening to beautiful music
  • loving without reserve
  • write some letters
  • make some tea
  • take a drive just for fun
  • be creative
  • pray more than you do now
God bless you!


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