

25? 25 what Stephanie? 25 elephants? Shoes? Problems? Photographs? Holy cards? Rosaries? 25 coffee cups? 25 what?!

25 years. 

That's the age I'm approaching. That age just sounds terribly old to me. All you people older than 25 are laughing, saying, "that's just a baby." Probably similar to my reaction when a 19-year-old talks about feeling "old." Hah.

25 is a quarter of a century. Probably at least a quarter of my life is over. Therefore, I'd like to reflect on the past 24 years of my life. Come along with me.

1: My mom gave me a rice cake covered with chocolate frosting for my birthday cake, because she's just that healthy. Still is.

2: I really don't remember anything about being two.

3: I got a plastic bike. If you want to know more about my third birthday, ask me sometime.

4: I had a party at a pizza place.

5: I got pink sandals, binoculars, and my mom bought a light-blue Honda on my birthday. I wore pink that day.

6: People gave me a lot of "bee" presents. Bee gloves, book, you name it.

7: I remember feeling older.

8: I felt like I was so grown-up. One of my cousins came over for the day and we played on my swing set.

9: This birthday doesn't stand out to me. I think I may have learned to ride a bike this year, but it also may have been later. 

10: I had a big party at a gymnastics place. I had a ton of friends and a ton of presents. I was one spoiled little girl.

11: I remember my grandma telling me, "you're only 11 once." My other grandparents took me to Ashland, Oregon this year on a road trip, stopping at many memorable places along the way. This sparked my love for Shakespeare.

12: Don't remember a whole lot.

13: I was a teenager! I was so smart! Life was so fun! And awkward!

14: I started high school. My social life faded into a distant memory and I dove into my studies with unrelenting passion and dedication (and many tears).

15: I had my last sleepover as a teenager. I had a butterfly-themed party. I still wore braces and I got many nice things.

16: I spent this birthday in my new pink bathrobe which I still have to this day. I also remember getting a homemade mix CD made by one of my best friends, Catherine. I'm going to listen to that again. Wow, it's nine years old now! In the evening, my grandparents called, and my dad took me for a drive, well I drove. I didn't have my license yet.

17: This was one of my favorite years. I felt like I was on the brink of something big. I was, but I didn't know what yet. I started to read Twilight and didn't finish it (which I think was a wise decision). I went to the beach with family that year and started to explore a lot of new genres of music to listen to.

18: I was an adult. I knew everything. I could survive anything. Turns out, I was wrong. But I came out on the other side a stronger, wiser, and sadder young woman.

19: I remember thinking that I was "old." Hehe. Yeah right.

20: The start of my 20s was not all that significant. I got my first touch-screen phone that year, and also started college.

21: I didn't do anything crazy for my 21st if you're wondering. 

22: "I'm feeling 22-ooo---ooo-ooo" Oh sorry, I was singing Taylor Swift there for a bit. Um, this year I went on a blind date, started a new social life where I now live, and started up swing dancing again after a relatively brief break.

23: I started my longest relationship, which (spoiler alert) lasted a year.

24: Started my current job, which I LOVE, and...well if you want more details, ask me!

I dedicate the 25th year of my life to the most Sacred heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe.

Thanks for reading!


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