Dear 2015


Dear 2015,

Hey. It has been real. A lot has happened, and I'm going to respect you by going through each of your months to give credit where credit is due.

January I became a girlfriend. This made me feel special. We had been going on dates since 2014's November.

February Valentine's Day came and went, with all of the excitement I'd been excited for: roses, candy, and a romantic comedy onstage that I went to with my boyfriend.

March Lent happened. I went to a Lenten retreat which was spiritually uplifting. I gave up hot showers for Lent.

April I turned 24. Nothing much changed, except I knew that my goal was to get married at that age. Doesn't look like it's going to happen. Going to have to check with your sibling, 2016.

May This month really doesn't remind me of anything incredibly special. I was busy with work and my social life.

June Very hot. At work, temperatures rose until the air conditioner started working again. I was becoming increasingly less useful at work as a fall in March had left me in a lot of pain.

July Came in with a bang. I watched fireworks and also fought with my boyfriend for the first time. Not about the fireworks. I was blessed with a new job as receptionist. My days as a waitress were over at last.

August I started psychology classes at WSU Online. They were interesting but I don't think I've found my passion in life yet.

September I felt overwhelmed by everything going on. I tried to keep up with everything, and I succeeded, but I was left feeling very stressed out.

October Went to a cider pressing party that is an annual thing with my family. Enjoyed seeing friends and relaxing.

November I broke up with my boyfriend. We had a lot of good times, but I saw that we weren't right for each other.

December This has been a great month. The liturgical season of Advent was fruitful for me, thanks to a great retreat at the beginning and some letting go.

Thank you, 2015, for a great year. I can't wait to see what 2016 has for me.

Your friend,


  1. Excellent post, Stephanie! 2015 was a busy year for you!
    I might use this idea for my own, if that is all right?

    1. Of course you may Heidi! Thanks so much for being a faithful reader this year!


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