The Reset Button


Ever feel like you just need a break from life? Hopefully you got that over Thanksgiving break. Ever feel like without some major changes in your life, you won't be able to experience peace

I love to pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding. That's one of my favorite prayers. I have learned that praying this prayer often brings with it some realizations that may not be so easy to face. Sometimes, to reach the peace that surpasses all understanding, you have to let go of and/or start doing new things in order to reach that.

With Advent starting the new liturgical year in the church, I figured it was a good time to start making some changes. I always like new starts. They are a "reset button" of sorts.

Sometimes, you just have to let go of something. What is that thing in your life right now? What just popped in your mind? What is God asking you to give over to Him so that you can live your life for Him more fully? He will give you the courage if only you choose what He is asking of you.

As Advent started the new liturgical year, so I too am starting a fresh chapter in my life. I made some changes that weren't necessarily easy (some were downright agonizing), but that nevertheless have given me a sense of peace that I haven't felt in months. You know that feeling when you've been feeling stressed all day and then you come home and relax? For the last few months, I have felt like that stressed state. Now, I feel that I can finally relax because I gave some things over to God. He knows how to soothe like no other.

Examine your life. What reset button do you need to push? Search your soul. Pray harder than you ever have. The results are worth having.

God bless you, and happy new Church year!


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