Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit


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Yes, that's right. You, dear reader, are a temple of the Holy Spirit. He resides within you. That's a humbling thought, isn't it? Are you treating your body as such? Let's break it down and determine if you are. Good exercise for me too, by the way.

Sleep. Hopefully you're getting eight hours of sleep every night. What's that, you say? You aren't? What are the reasons for that? Because you have a new baby and your sleep is compromised as a result? That's understandable and certainly okay; God knows where you're at! If, however, you're not getting enough sleep because you're using the computer/watching television/otherwise engaging in technology, you may want to reorder your priorities. I'm talking to myself here just as much as you. Look at the reason why you're not getting enough sleep. If it's not related to your vocation (as a new baby would be), then dump it and get some shut-eye.

Food. This is a pretty big deal. You are what you eat. Since the Holy Spirit resides in you, you need to treat your body with respect. It is okay to have a treat once in a while, but self-control is important. To constantly put junk food in your mouth is unwise for a variety of reasons, but let this one be the top: your body is not a garbage can so don't put any in there! 

Exercise. Even if you're not overweight, you need to exercise. Period. When you sit around all the time, your muscles start to break down. Then your metabolism slows, and body fat increases to an unhealthy percentage. Don't let this happen! If you're already overweight, this can help you. 

Water. Water is the essence of life. Drink it. Your body is mostly made up of water, so replenish it. Dehydration causes so many problems. I'm just as guilty as the next person because I don't drink nearly enough water. 

In this post, I only addressed the temporal (temporary and tangible) aspects of our bodies. In another post, I will take a look at the spiritual aspects and how those can grow and flourish. We're on this journey together. Are you with me?

God bless you!


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