Fitting In: Why I Never Have (and Why I Never Want To)



I'm sure you've heard them all. You know, those expressions that cry, "dare to be different!" "Stand out from the crowd!" "Don't be like the rest!" "Be yourself!" And so on...

What do those phrases mean to you? Do you take them seriously? I do. I always have. Not always by choice. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way. Let me explain.

Christians are called to do all of the above just by existing and living out their call to live for Christ. As a Catholic Christian, I definitely stand out. For example, on Ash Wednesday this year, I wore ashes on my forehead at work because I had gone to Mass beforehand. What is my job? I work as a waitress. Yep. I served each plate, cleared each glass, and took each order with a huge smudge of glaringly-black ashes hugely on my forehead.

This also affects what I will and won't say. I believe that we should lift up other people with our speech instead of tear them down (though I'm not always good at this). I also think that foul language is repulsive and about the most unattractive thing a person can do. When words like that come out of a person's mouth, I wonder what kind of poison is swirling around in their brain. A few minutes into a conversation, I no longer have to wonder. I already know: their flavor of poison is revealed by the speech they indulge in. And by so doing, they pollute my mind as well. I am not saying this to point fingers or to judge. It relates to my topic because I don't use bad words or God's name in vain. This is unusual, and people notice. 

I don't drink to the point of drunkenness. This would impair judgment. I hardly drink at all, period. This also causes me to stand out. I do wonder what kind of good time I would be having if I succumbed to peer pressure and drank to excess, causing me to feel sick, dizzy, and have headaches for days afterwards.

I eat differently. Not all the time, not as much as I should, but I do eat pretty healthy. I don't eat gluten because I have a sensitivity to it and I try to be really careful to eat nutritional foods. If our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, why on earth would we stuff garbage into them? Seems downright sinful if you ask me! But you didn't ask me. I think it's okay to "splurge" once in a while on something you really enjoy, but do think about whether it will give you more energy or just make you feel worse/gain unnecessary weight, etc.

I could go on. I think you get the point, though. I'm different from the rest, for good reasons. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. It could save your life; literally, spiritually, or both.

God bless you!


  1. Good post, Stephanie!!
    It seems as if those who tout the "dare to be different", or "embrace your uniqueness" thing, are in fact acting like everyone else.
    I, too, work in a restaurant. :)

  2. The best way to "stand out" is to live a Catholic life. ;)


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