Body Image and Its Pressures On Society


Nobody really wants to hear a thin person talk about body image. I don't care. I have a unique perspective on the subject. When was the last time you read an article featuring a thin person talking about how they felt about themselves? It's probably been a long time. Maybe never. I digress.

There is an immense array of magazines to be seen at any given store at any given time. Said glossy collections of pages contain unrealistic images of how we as a society are "supposed" to look. Think about this concept for a moment. A bunch of people who don't know you, your life circumstances or background, your experiences, or anything you care about are charting the course for your appearance. People you've never met are setting the trends, determining makeup colors for the season, and shaping today's "ideal" woman. Like this idea? Maybe you don't care that they are doing all this. Which brings me to my next point.

If you don't care, why does it matter to you so much how you look? I'm not talking about looking presentable, professional, or taking care of yourself. All of that is fine and healthy. I'm talking about all the little things. *Sigh* Okay, for this post to have any meaning, I'm going to have to put some of my story into it...

The little things. Like:
I have adult acne. Embarrassing, and definitely doesn't look like any magazine cover anywhere. 
I am taller than the average woman. 
I don't spend much time on my hair. It's clean and that's about it. No salon blowouts here.
I'm already getting laugh lines. Ever notice how women in the media don't have them?

I mentioned all of this not because I enjoy talking about things that make me feel vulnerable. No. It's to show you, once and for all, that a thin person can struggle with body image just the same as anyone else. I do realize my great worth and value as a child of God, and my confidence in my outer appearance is blossoming. I want to stress, though (I know it sounds cliche), that it has to start from within. You have to recognize that God loves you, and value your inner worth, and that will show on the outside. Beauty starts within. Don't forget that.

God bless you all!


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