What I Want to Be When I Grow Up


Photo credit: diversityemploymentservices.com

This post is going to be highly personal, which is perhaps rare in this blog lineup. Although, I think that more of myself is revealed than I sometimes realize through these posts. I digress.

Even though I turn 24 this month, I still don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up. When I was younger, I had this strange idea that magically when I turned 18 and became a legal adult, I would have everything figured out, I would be in college, and everything would be peachy. How wrong I was. Not only did I not have everything figured out, but my whole world came crashing down around me. Everything that I had planned for and expected to happen simply didn't. Everything was far from peachy. I was suffering in a way I never had before, and I was mad at God. My situation wasn't His fault, but I had to blame Somebody, right? Looking back, it was Him who rescued me, and ultimately brought me to my joyful life I enjoy today. Sure, I still have challenges (who doesn't?) but His grace and my surrender to His perfect will makes it all worth it.

I have had many career ideas along the way. When I was 14, I started taking ballet classes. I took them for six years, working my way to the highest class. I seriously considered being a professional ballerina. 

I considered a degree in music, and was told that I wouldn't make enough money doing that. Another dream crushed.

I took every class in college under the communications category, and loved every second. I thought I was destined to be in radio. Was I ever wrong. I'm two months into an internship at a radio studio, and though I am enjoying the experience, I don't think that being a radio personality is my calling in life.

This brings me to my current predicament: I'm almost 24 with a two-year college degree and I'm working at a minimum wage job. Some would say my only prudent choice would be to go back to school. I think, though, that more education is not always the right answer. The wrong answer, without a doubt, is to do nothing to change my future. Not going back to school is not always equivalent to doing nothing. 

Ultimately, I feel very called to be a wife and mother someday as my vocation. However, I'm not going to sit around waiting for that to happen. My life of fulfillment in Christ is now. I can't afford to waste another minute. Please pray for me as I discern and decide what I want to be when I grow up.


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