Movie Review: Jupiter Ascending

Photo credit: IMDb

Jupiter Ascending is not a movie I'd normally see. However, if you'll notice, I often say that. I watch movies that I'm a little bit hesitant about for various reasons. I saw this one with my boyfriend. It has many redeeming qualities, but I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed. 

The graphics were astounding. The screen was sparkling with precise action and crisp, vibrant colors with remarkable detail and visuals. That aside, graphics alone don't make a movie praiseworthy in my opinion. 

I did like the movie; don't get me wrong! I thought that it was very good. I saw some characteristics of myself in Jupiter Jones, played by Mila Kunis. We both shared a similar career path and were both stubborn. I had first seen this actress in Oz the Great and Powerful. She played a rather sinister character in that, so it was different seeing her in a "good" role.

This movie is very complicated. It does have some heavy material and inappropriate parts, so have caution there. Overall, this was well done, but perhaps overdone. The costumes were usually stellar (sorry, couldn't resist), but one in particular was in bad taste. Jupiter looked like she was wrapped in black duct tape made into a "dress." Not pretty.

I'd give this one 3 out of 5 stars. 

God bless you!


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