Movie Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I originally watched this movie for a very shallow reason that I feel rather ashamed to admit, but here it is: I heard that the main actor was good-looking. Okay. I said it. Now I feel better. Yes, Chris Evans is handsome. Better than that, though, he has a heart of gold. He fights for the right causes. He has an old friend who has gone so far into evil practices (Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier himself) that he doesn't even remember who Steve Rogers (Captain America) is anymore.

This film is action-packed and has a ton of violence. I don't usually watch this genre but read the reason above if you want to be reminded of my motive for this one. It had a good message overall, of fighting for what you believe to be the right course of action. So many times in our lives, we can lose sight of what the right cause is. We used to know, but we lost sight of that in the swirling culture of what's "popular" and "in." Let me tell you something: it is not "in" to be courageous in the battle for truth. Ultimately, I think that's what Steve is after.

Natasha Romanoff (the Black Widow) reminded me of myself. At first, I was cheering her on because of her fearless moves and quick wit, and then I started to see some traits that I share with her. For example, neither one of us lets other people take us down without a good reason. I am quick to demand respect and to be treated with dignity when I see things going downhill, as it were. People recognize this and I am often treated accordingly. You see, when you behave like this, you teach others how you are to be treated. This isn't selfish. Our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit and to allow someone else to treat you with less than the respect that you deserve as a beloved child of God is shameful and God wouldn't want it either. It also teaches that person how to treat everyone. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. You wouldn't want to be a doormat, would you? Then don't be.

So I finally got around to seeing this film. I almost watched it last year, but I saw Noah instead. 

God bless you!


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