Happy Valentine's Day! (One Day Early)


Happy Valentine's Day! Many of you may know that this day started all because of a guy named Valentine. Find out more about him here: http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/ValentinesDay/origins.asp

Back to my real reason for posting. You know I always have one. St. Valentine is the reason why we have this holiday. About a month ago I walked into the grocery store and it was like Valentine's Day had exploded in there, with so much pink, red, and glitter to catch the eye it was almost too much. I love Valentine's Day, I really do. (I didn't always like it, mind.) 

I think that no matter how you feel about February the fourteenth, you can look at it as an opportunity to love those that are important to you. To also love those who aren't important to you, because that is the greatest accomplishment there is. 

Happy Valentine's Day, one day early. May God bless you. And please, please, please, don't go see Fifty Shades of Grey. Look at my previous post for reasons why. Instead, give the world a lovely example of what real love looks like.

With love,


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