Newsflash, Ladies: Being Single is NOT an Affliction!


Above is a funny saying. I digress. I've noticed an interesting trend lately. On blogs and websites across the internet, there is a growing plethora of articles and reflections about being single. These are all directed to coping with singlehood, what to do and not do when you're single, what is the best thing to do when you're single...the list goes on, and on, and on...

I think it's great that single people are finally getting some attention. We are among the most under-served of the population, right? I got to thinking, and it hit me: why do we need to be served?

It's not like being single is an affliction! When you aren't dating, you aren't sick because of your lack of a boyfriend! You don't need coping strategies or countless articles/podcasts about how to be single! Good grief, I wouldn't be surprised if sometime soon, I saw a book on a shelf titled something like, How to Be Single for Dummies.

I feel like saying this, so I'm going to: PLEASE STOP WHINING! It annoys me so much! Not being in a relationship is not a tragedy! I beg you to stop complaining and start recognizing this blessed time in your life because you'll never live it again. Once you find "the one", this once-in-a-lifetime time in your life will be completely gone. You're only single until you're in a relationship. Should be obvious, but I feel like it needs to be said. 

You have a lot of freedom at this point in your life (if you're single). You have few responsibilities, and anything that you do have to take care of involves mostly just you. How hard is that? I wouldn't cry about this if I were you. 

Sure, there's days when it would be great to be dating someone! Rest assured that if this is to be your path in life, God will bring you to it when the time is right.

(I have a feeling this post will stir the pot, so to speak, so please feel free to comment!)

God bless you!


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