Time Management for Those in a Hurry


I am by no means an expert on time management, but I thought I'd glean some tips for you and also discuss what has worked/not worked for me. Remember: time management is not one-size-fits-all! Everyone has a different time budget. We all have the same amount of time in a day, but the way we use it is unique because of our different responsibilites and priorities. I found eight tips to share. I will share my thoughts and you can act or not act according to your schedule/way of doing things!
1. Write down the things you have to get done. Yes, this could be helpful. For myself, I keep everything catalogued in my brain. To-do lists and schedules alike are kept in the noggin. Do I forget things once in a while? Yes. I do find making lists tedious. Might it help me? It could. But I don't think there's any foolproof way. Whatever helps you best. Maybe writing it down would solidify everything better in my brain of what I need to get done.
2. "Keep your work with you." Um, no thanks! If I get a lunch break, I would rather eat lunch and call my mom than work on school work. I can work on homework when I'm not working. And thankfully, for my job, when I clock out I'm done. No extra projects to take home. Thank you God!
3. "Don't be afraid to say no." Hey, I have done this and it actually feels liberating! When I do things with friends when I have too many other things to do, it actually makes me feel more stressed and I can't have very much fun. Thankfully, I'm usually able to have a pretty good balance on things so that I don't have to say no very often. If you have to, don't feel guilty. We can't all do everything. It's not humanly possible! Also, God doesn't want us to over-extend ourselves.
4. "Find your productive time." For me, it's morning. Others are energetic at night. You know what works for you. Plan your biggest challenges for your optimal working time.
5. "Create a dedicated study time." Yep! For me, Facebook and email are closed because I know that hearing a message notification will be too hard to resist.
6. "Budget your time." I guess I do this, but not consciously. When I'm scheduled to work, I work. In the rest of my hours, I find time to fit in all my other priorities. Sounds simple. I organize it all in my head. What can I say? I'm a born planner.
7. "Don't get sidetracked." This is a big one! You won't finish that novel you've been wanting to read if you keep watching your favorite show on television! Laundry won't get done if you spend too long reading the novel. Forgetting things in the washer is also a big time bomb. Don't do it.
8. "Get a good night's sleep." I can't stress this enough. Life is so much harder when you didn't get enough hours sleep! Aim for eight hours. Maybe seven. When I'm tired, I can barely get through my day. Proper rest gives me the energy I need to carry out God's will for the day!
What do you do to properly spend your time?
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