Movie Review: When the Game Stands Tall


On August 29th, I went to see When the Game Stands Tall with some friends. I'm so glad I did! Some highlights for me were the fact that it had Jim Caviezel in it, the message was superb, and the movie kept my interest although I am not a football fan (don't hate me). 

I first saw Jim Caviezel in The Passion of the Christ when he played Jesus. Watching this film, there were different moments when I kept thinking of him as Jesus just because that is what I associate him with as a result of the other movie. Nonetheless, he did a marvelous job as Coach Bob for the De La Salle Spartans.

A thread weaving its way throughout this film was that of supporting each other and doing your best at all times. In a culture where looking out only for yourself is the popular practice, this healthy display of brotherhood in a football team was a refreshing reminder of how valuable friendships are. Also, the concept of doing your absolute best all the time instead of just getting by with the least you can do was awesome. You won't get far in life just doing the bare minimum. Excellence comes with dedication.

As I mentioned above, I'm not a football fan. Still, I loved this movie. The movie showed part of the "Our Father" prayer being prayed in front of a crucifix! Faith was a definite aspect of this film. Coach Bob's family life also held my interest. This movie is not just about football. It is about a dedicated group of men that worked together for the things that mattered most.

I hope you decide to see it. If you have already, let me know in the comments!

God bless you,

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