Paying it Forward


Someone suggested that I write about paying it forward, so here I am! I guess that this is one of those things that I haven't given a lot of thought to. The Golden Rule is kind of a no-brainer (do to others as you would have them do to you), but paying it forward? What does that even mean? Apparently it's a really popular concept; there's a movie called "Pay it Forward", and there's an organization with a similar name. There is even a Paying it Forward Day. Who knew?

I am a huge fan of officiality, so I found the official website of the global pay it forward movement. Check it out here: This website is updated frequently and it looks like a terrific idea.

There are plenty of times that people have been extremely generous in gifts and time to me, but I didn't always think about doing the same for someone else. I think that this is something that has to be practiced, and then it becomes a way of life for you.  It's definitely something that I am going to begin consciously thinking about everyday, because it's really a logical extension of the Golden Rule, as I see it. When someone does something for you that you love, then you should do something similar for someone else. It's kind of like instructions for how to do the Golden Rule. I don't know about you, but I love it when there are instructions for how to do something. Often, I try to figure stuff out on my own first, but if I get lost, I look up how to do it.

How do you pay it forward? How do you feel when someone is generous towards you?

God bless you!


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