Leave Me Alone; I'm in My Comfort Zone!


I am a huge fan of my comfort zone. I love it so much that for most of my life, I stayed in it. I love it so much that even now, I am often in it. This zone is comprised of the people I know best, the places I am familiar with, and just things in general that I am comfortable with. Yes indeed, I have a zone and when I am in it, I like to be left alone. Let me clarify: those in my comfort zone may stay. Those outside may be wonderful individuals and opportunities just waiting to be met or to happen, but they may never do so. The culprit? Yours truly.

Please understand that my title is in jest; that is, it is a joke. However, all jokes have some kernel of truth in them!

Being in my comfort zone is very, well, comfortable. I can't deny this. I don't wish to deny it. Unfortunately, staying comfortable isn't always what God is calling me to do. Sometimes I tell Him "no." Sounds terrible because it is. I don't trust in God enough sometimes to let Him help me do what I perceive to be impossible or nearly so. God is calling me outside the realm of my area of comfort and familiarity into amazing plans that involve stepping outside of my boat and walking on water towards Jesus. (That last scriptural reference was brought to mind because of a talk I heard by Erik Mertens, by the way.)

I would love to leave my comfort zone. I really would. Sometimes, I have. More often, I haven't. Here are some practical steps that I have found helpful in departing that zone in which I feel most at home:

1. Introduce yourself to just one new person at an event

2. Call people. Relationships are more important than your discomfort

3. Make time to meet in person with friends you don't see often

4. Give gifts

5. Make time to listen to new friends

Do you have any tips? Comment and share!

One parting thought: Pope Benedict XVI once told the youth at World Youth Day: "You were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness." May you and I both remember that everyday.

God bless you!



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