My Blog's Makeover


White flower

Good morning!

Welcome to the updated blog. Previously "Stephanie's Style of Living," "In the Quiet" is going to be a project that I will be dedicated to writing in frequently (at least once a week).

I felt that it was time for a change. My life has changed so much recently. I appreciate continuity in my life wherever possible, hence the blog makeover.

What have I been up to lately? As you may have noticed, I haven't been writing posts regularly. I was incredibly busy with school, finals, and then I graduated last Thursday with my associate of arts degree from community college.

Last night I went to an excellent Bible study group and while there, we discussed the desert and how everyone has a desert in their lives at one time or another. My desert right now is being a recent graduate and feeling stuck because I do not yet have a job. I also need to find a good roommate and apartment. My to-do list is long, but many of the things I am hoping for are also things that I have absolutely no or very little control over. As a control freak (yes I just admitted that), this is agonizing for me!

I'm curious. What is your desert right now? Or did you just get out of the desert into paradise? I think that we all have different stages in our lives where we go back and forth from the land flowing with milk and honey back to the desert. Then it starts all over again. What do you think?

Something else I've really been involved in and that I'm passionate about is Renovate, a vibrant Catholic young adult group. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do podcasts for this. You can now listen to them on iTunes! Here is the link: click here.

I am really looking forward with hope to this next phase of my life. Please pray for me as I stumble along, blindly trusting in God's plan for me.

God bless you!

In Christ,


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