Shopping Just Isn't the Same

Don't get me wrong. I love to shop. But last week, I felt like I didn't like it. When I realized why, the answer surprised and saddened me, and inspired this post.

Shopping is great. You get to buy things that you need and sometimes things that you want. You trade money for the items that you have in your cart/basket. Simple, right? Most of the time. Unless you analyze your feelings like I do.

I have been taking a Mass Media course at college, and let me tell you, it is changing my perspective big time. This is one of the precious few classes I have taken that are shaping me into a different person while this process is something that I welcome and am incredibly grateful for. But what it is also doing is making me a little bit concerned, disgusted, and completely tired of the whole concept of what stores are about.

I realize that stores are there to make money. That is the logical reason that they exist. They aren't there out of the goodness of their hearts to offer you goods and services. Who really believes that anyway? I believed it when I was a child, but those days are behind me.

I was walking through the aisles and had some extra time for once in my life. I took a leisurely stroll through the store, and I felt increasingly disgusted and grew increasingly weary as the minutes ticked by. I noticed that this store was zapping all of the energy that I possessed and that God had blessed me with at that moment. Was I wasting my precious energy on mindless window shopping and general browsing? I leave the answer to that question to the imagination of you, the reader.

My different outlook on shopping was a brief period in which I felt the way that I described (or attempted to describe) above. I'm writing this post because I don't want to forget it. Whenever I get too excited about things, I'll remember typing this out and remember that God needs to be the Focus of my life, no matter what.


  1. You and I are getting to the age that everything has a new perspective on it-including the selfishness of the shopping industry. I feel that I am becoming more and more cynical about things. Someone once told me that they felt old at 22! At the time, I didn't believe them how anyone could feel old, now I know what they mean. You, I and that "someone", are seeing the world without "rose colored glasses", so to speak. It means that we are all growing up and leaving that wonderful world of childhood behind us.

    I encourage you to check out my blog @

    As always, I look forward to reading your insightful posts and therfore relate to many of them. Keep doing what you're doing and keep the Faith. :)


    Heidi (snowmane9000 on SMB ;) )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Heidi,

    Thank you so much for your very kind words! I'm turning 23 tomorrow and I feel old!

    I really enjoy your blog. :D



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