And Lead Me Not Into Temptation...

As some of you readers may know, I gave up coffee for Lent. For me, this was a big sacrifice because though I only drink half a mug a day, I am super sensitive so the caffeine withdrawal symptoms have been absolutely horrible. I only bring you this description because I felt that this could be a relevant topic since we're over half-way done with Lent and maybe we could use a little friendly support.

I like to mention, sometimes, about what inspired my posts. This time, it was a dream. Yes, I dreamed about coffee. And then I was so worried in my dream because I was afraid that I had accidentally drank some coffee! But then I found out I hadn't. Whew! Wouldn't want to break my Lenten promise, even in a dream!'s gotten to the point where I'm dreaming about coffee. Maybe not so good?

I see this as a type of temptation. My dream, certainly, but also just the aroma of coffee. It is made everyday in my house and it makes it harder for me just to smell coffee. I am glad for this though, because it makes the value of the sacrifice skyrocket.

You don't have to comment and tell me what you gave up, but maybe share some tips on how you're coping? Is that a good word? For me and my situation, it is. I'm coping with having no coffee. This makes me less alert and though these have slackened off considerably, awful headaches. But maybe as a positive side-effect, I'm somehow healthier? If coffee is a drug, then I seriously went off of it cold-turkey.

That's really all I have to say on the subject. Oh, and I will be having coffee on Easter Sunday. That glorious day when Jesus rose from the dead, the angels sang in Heaven, and after Mass I will come home, make coffee, and fill my mug half full. I will sniff the aroma without guilt. I will fill my mug the rest of the way with creamy raw milk goodness and stir up the whole mixture with a spoon, tasting to see if I got the combination just right.

And then I will drink it.


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