The Start of Winter Quarter 2014


I'm a college student. That status means that this last Monday, the 6th, I started back to school for winter quarter. This quarter I'm taking sociology, psychology, and intro to communication. This combination makes for a pretty heavy load of reading and writing. I'll even be giving some speeches. However, it's my priority right now to be a student and graduate with my AA degree this summer. If that means hard work, then hard work is what I will be doing, willingly.

Sociology is something that I'm finding very interesting so far. Of course, I don't agree with all the viewpoints and ideas presented, but it is still intriguing to me to think about why we are who we are and how society plays a role in that identity. Your gender, race, and class all play a role in the person that you are today. Society has a set of norms to follow, and they pretty much dictate how people act on a day-to-day basis. I think that sometimes, though, people can tend to act like a victim based on their circumstances. For example, they will say that since they are a minority, they have all these difficulties. Because they are a female in a certain culture, they have almost no chance in life. Because they are poor, they aren't going to succeed. That isn't always true. Your circumstances don't have to always dictate what happens in your life. The choices that you make are responsible for your future course, though God is ultimately the One Who determines what will take place since He is omnipotent.

I am also enjoying psychology. It is so interesting to see how the mind works and maybe why we think the way that we do. These days, this field of study doesn't even touch religion or spirituality because it cannot be proven or tested. This class is purely secularized but I honestly am looking forward to learning more about why I think the way that I do and perhaps why others react in certain ways to different phenomena.

Intro to communication is my favorite class. Out of all my classes in college, those involving communications have been my favorites. Learning how to communicate and be an effective communicator in all aspects of your life is something that is so valuable. Giving speeches and knowing how to relate to and have conversations with other people is something much desired in today's workforce, etc.

Well, that's what I have been up to. And now if you would please excuse me, I have some homework to do.


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