

Sarcasm is the best thing ever. Every time you use it, you are instantly perceived as an extremely intelligent and sensitive person. It enhances conversations, enlightens those with whom you are speaking, and delights the ears of all who come into hearing of the sarcastic speaker.

By the way, that first paragraph was entirely sarcastic. Did I fool you?

Did you enjoy reading sarcasm? Or were you slightly (or more than just slightly) irritated by it? Did it make you feel loved?

Just keep in mind that not everyone "gets" sarcasm. It is a ton of fun if both parties are on board with it, but some people just don't understand it. They don't know if you're serious or in jest. And this can lead to obvious complications.

In conclusion, just use discretion when it comes to using sarcasm in everyday conversation, and especially online. Because emoticons can't work miracles.


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